Her outer appearance is good. There are no traces of useless fat visible. Her chest is slightly small and is being pushed up by her clothing. Her waist looks healthy and on top of that, she has a well rounded buttlock. (T.L. Oh boy…) (E.N: Down bingu, down boy. -masa) She wears a pair of tight leather pants that beautifully shows the outlines of her legs, all the way to her ankles. Since she doesn’t have a lot of fat, her legs are presumably very muscular, yet still retain the features of a woman. (T.L. Oh boy #2….) (E.N: Sit, bingu!) Her silver hair is tied up with a blue ribbon, reaching down to the middle of her back and glitters in the sun like silver, it is magnificent. Around her neck is a gold necklace which suits her quite well, silver and gold.