- In case septic tank system is needed to be emptied, sludge and wastewater stored in the system will be transported for off-site disposal at a suitable treatment/disposal facility.
- Collect wastewater from laundry transferred to detergent sump and discharge to separate tank.
- Collect wastewater from canteen to grease trap, then aerobic treatment system, then separate tank.
- Establish and implement the inspection and preventive maintenance program for drainage system.
- Install sedimentation and/or retention ponds to received drainage water and runoff water from construction site and work camps before being discharged off-site to a natural water bodies
- Design the size of the sedimentation and/or retention pond based on the estimated volume of wastewater to ensure that its capacity is sufficient and for sedimentation and retention process
- Routinely dredged up when its capacity is reduced by a maximum of 50%;
- Monitor for effluent discharge from camps/accommodation.
- Locate construction work camps at least 50 metres from the waterway outside of stream bank
- Prohibit discharging untreated wastewater to environment.
- Separate wastewater drainage system from storm water drainage system.
- Collect drainage from warehouse area to facility settling ponds
- Install oil trap used for drainage collected from potential contaminated areas at fuel storage.
- Establish and implement system inspection and preventive maintenance program for oil trap.