(2) Eastern painting, flower arranging, garden
arrangement and bonsai all rely on the unequal
triangle to provide balance and harmony to the
composition. The Japanese term, sabi , meaning
“deliberate imperfection”, comes to mind.
(3) The three points of an asymmetrical bonsai
outline would touch the apex (point “A”), the
longest lowest side branch on one side (point “B”)
and either a lower side branch on the opposite
side, or the edge of the container (point “C”).(4) When the tree is placed in its container, an
asymmetrical balance is achieved by positioning the
tree so that the greater horizontal mass of pot and
soil on one side balances the greater vertical mass
of the tree on the other. For this reason the tree is
Pot is off
center to left
Tree is off
center to right
Two off-centers
balance each other
Illus. 1-9
placed off center in its container.5) The tree is asymmetrical and the relationship of the
tree to the container is asymmetrical, but together
they provide a balanced composition