A Project Schedule is created to outline and define the work to be done and define the timeline for the project. This Excel schedule “template” includes the Project Management tasks required to manage a project from concept to completion. It is only one of the inputs necessary to produce a Project Schedule that can be used to effectively manage a project. Other documents may include the SDLC and other product specific information.
This template does not represent all of the work necessary to produce a product or a service. Detailed tasks necessary to produce deliverables for any specific project should to be added in sections (phases) of the final project schedule.
Careful thought on the part of the Project Manager, Project Lead, and Project Team is necessary to ensure that all aspects of the project are properly documented.
To start the schedule, enter the project name.
Replace the rows that are red with the detailed tasks for the project.
When adding rows for additional tasks, copy the calculated fields and paste them into the new row, this will copy the calculation for you. Add additional rows above the rows in blue to ensure that calculations stay correct. (Calculated fields are grey.)
Delete any tasks in the template that do not pertain to your project. DO NOT delete any of the Phases.
Next, enter the estimated hours and the targeted completion date.
When the team has been defined enter the person responsible for each task.