CIPSR 25 specifies that the HV cables need to be terminated
with LISNs, resulting in a harness input impedance, as shown
in Fig. 15. This load impedance for CMsources starts at around
8 Ω (300 kHz) and follows the LISN’s input impedance up to
∼3MHz. At higher frequencies, the impedance decreases to the
first line resonance at ∼15 MHz with regular line resonances
following. In contrast, the input impedance of the cable terminated
with a HV battery starts at ∼100 Ω declining to the main
series resonance of the battery at 3 MHz. This series resonance
is followed by a parallel resonance at 9 MHz with ZHVC =
∼400 Ω and regular line resonances in the higher frequency
range. There are no visible deviations in the input impedance
of the cable above 40 MHz, as the termination impedance
of the cable for both devices is higher than the characteristic
impedance. Below 10 MHz, there are significant deviations between
20 log(ZLISN/ZBat) = 33 dBΩ at 3 MHz and −25 dBΩ
at 7.5 MHz.