2.2. Experimental designThe randomized complete block design (Oehlert, 2000) wasused with farms as blocks each with four replications and irrigationmethods as treatments. The trials were done in two growing sea-sons from October 2012 to April 2014. Farm 1 and Farm 4 were usedfor this research for the first season and all of the four productionfarms were used for the second season. A total of production areawas 982 acres. The farm sizes were: 167, 180, 215, and 420 acresfor Farms 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Four plots for each of the treat-ments were flagged out in each of the four sites. The size of eachsampling plot was 180 m2(15 m in length and 12 m in width) witha guide zone with 15 m in length for either of the ends for each row.Each farm had two irrigation treatments, i.e., seepage and hybridcenter pivot (i.e., center pivot with the supplementation of seep-age). For seepage, irrigation was conducted twice a week for 12 heach (from 7 pm to 7 am) to keep the water table between 46 and60 cm below the ground. For hybrid center pivot irrigation, the cen-ter pivot was run twice a week delivering 10.2 mm of irrigationwater during each irrigation, and the supplemented seepage wasapplied only once every two weeks for 12 h each (from 7 pm to 7am).