Necessary arrangements and check in advance : a health certificate issued by the vetarinary authority of the exporting country confirming the animal's microchip number and the result of the rabies antibody test
The injection is to be taken about 30 days prior to the planned dispatch so that the immune system is
developed against the disease. The prove of injection against rabies must be obtained in advance as the majority of countries require it.
※ The rabies-neutralizing antibody test must be administered by an internationally approved laboratory or
by the competent authority of the exporting country before maximum 24 months prior to boarding.
Certain countries may impose embargo on cats/dogs to be imported from countries where cases of rabies
were detected. If such cases should arise or there is an extra quarantine period required, the shipper will burden any and all extra expense incurred as a result thereof.
Check with CITES (Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species) if the animal is not acceptable
for air transport.