Article 338
The Labour Administration is primarily responsible for preparing, implementing, coordinating, supervising, and evaluating national labour policy. Particularly within the realms of public administration, it is the tool for formulating and enforcing legislation in order for this policy to materialise.
The Labour Administration consistently studies the situation of employed, unemployed or under-employed persons in light of the national laws and practices regarding working conditions, employment and professional life. It pays attention to inadequacies and abuses in this area and puts forward a proposal and request a decision on method for remedy.
The Labour Administration offers its advisory service to employers and to workers, as well as to their respective organisations, in order to promote consultation and real cooperation between the authorities or public institutions and employers or workers, as well as between employers' and workers' organisations.
The Labour Administration responds to requests for technical assistance from employers and workers, as well as from their respective organisations.
The Labour Administration offers conciliatory services to employers and workers, as well as to their organisations, in order to help settle individual or collective disputes.
The Labour Administration must permanently maintain adequate personnel, material, means of transportation, offices and premises to meet the needs of, and be conveniently accessible to, all interested persons.
Agents of the Labour Administration must be provided with adequate training for carrying out their respective functions. Relevant measures are taken by Prakas of the Ministry in charge of Labour to ensure that permanent training is provided to these agents during their employment.
Article 340
The agents of the Labour Administration must have the sufficient qualifications to perform their assigned functions, have access to the necessary training in carrying out their functions and be free from all undue external influence.
All this personnel shall be granted with material means and financial resources required to effectively perform their statutory duties.
Article 341
The Ministry in charge of Labour shall issue a Prakas to determine the structure of the
Labour Administration and, for each service, specify:
- the roles and tasks incumbent on the responsible agents;
- the organisation, relationship and coordination with the other services within the Labour Administration;
- layout of the service in order to best serve in provinces and municipalities in the country;
- work methods of the responsible agents.
Article 342
The special statutes and conditions of service for the various categories of personnel in the Labour Administration shall be determined by an (Sub Decree).