Joe: Hey, check this out. Y’know what Eric asked me when I got into work this morning?
Kristin: I have no idea, what’d he ask you?
Joe: He asked me if I felt the earthquake last night.
Kristin: Earthquake? You’ve gotta be kidding, I didn’t feel an earthquake.
Joe: I know, that’s what I said. He told me it actually woke him up last night. Y’know…
Kristin: What?
Joe: …yeah, it was like, it went, it happened at like, uh, 4:42 in the morning. So we must’ve been sleeping. But I mean, it’s possible that, y’know, even if we had been awake we might not have felt it because, y’know, maybe it, uh, wasn’t felt, y’know, this far north. But, uh, I, I mean I thought he was pullin’ my leg when he first talked about it.
Kristin: Well, I guess it’s not so far-fetched considering we live on a major fault line here.
Joe: Yeah, but actually I think this earthquake was, uh, on a different fault line, um, because, y’know, Eric lives, uh, just, uh, south of San Jose…
Kristin: Yeah.
Joe: …and, uh, the earthquake he said was due east of San Jose, so he was obviously a lot closer to the epicenter than we were. So, I d-, I’m not even sure it was felt here.
Kristin: Yeah, that makes sense. Well, y’know, I’ve experienced quite a few earthquakes in the past several years but I’ve been living here a little over two years, I’ve, I think I’ve only experienced one here. It was really strange, too, I was, um, each, I should say each earthquake has been a completely different experience. But the one I, the one I felt here, I was standing outside a restaurant talking to AJ and another friend and all of a sudden it just felt like, this shift. It’s really hard to explain, but it made me think of, like, a cartoon, like how, in the cartoon, like buildings might just shift to the right and then shift right back.
Joe: Yeah, without falling.
Kristin: Yeah, without falling. And I, I had no idea what was going on for a few minutes afterwards. And then I realized, oh that must have been an earthquake.
Joe: Yeah, you know what I usually notice, the times that I’ve been at home, here…
Kristin: Yeah.
Joe: …and, uh, there’s been an earthquake? It’s almost as if there’s this really big train, or like a gigantic Mack truck going by. And, uh, suddenly I start to hear the heater shaking. And, um, it’s like, the noise is like, uh, is loud for like a second and then it’s gone, so…
Kristin: That’s so…