To be used where finished surfaces require a flush fastening unit. The countersunk portion offers good centering possibilities.
Hex Head
This is the standard type of wrench-applied hexagon head, characterized by clean, sharp corners trimmed to close tolerances. Recommended for general applications.
Oval Head
This head is identical to the standard flat head., but possesses, in addition, a rounded, neat appearing upper surface for attractiveness of design.
Pan Head
Recommended for new designs to replace round, truss and binding heads. Provides a low large diameter head, but with characteristically high outer edge along the outer periphery of the head where driving action is most effective for high tightening torque.
Round Head
Provides good bearing surface under head. Use where countersinking is not practicable. Use where the appearance is desirable.
Square Head
The square head has a flat top surface, four flat sides and a flat bearing surface.
Truss Head
Also known as oven head, stove head, and oval binding head. A low, neat appearing, large diameter head having excellent design qualities, and as illustrated can be used to cover larger diameter clearance holes in sheet metal when additional play in assembly tolerance is required.