5.1 Conclusion
Even though there are several variables, this study identified three key variables namely; pricing dimension, product quality and consumer buying behavior as factors influencing consumer satisfaction of manufacturers‟ products in Nigeria. Based on the outcomes of all the constructs and the discussions above, the results revealed that, “most of the targeted consumers of the surveyed manufacturing companies in the six geo-political zones of the country, agreed that high pricing dimension of Nigerian manufacturers‟ products result in low-level of customer satisfaction”. This supports the research finding of Gustafsson, Johnson and Roos (2005); Ahuja, Gupta & Raman ( 2003); Ahmad, & Vays (2011) and Deng et al. (2009) who found that companies that concentrate on the improvement of product quality and charging of appropriate price would certainly satisfy their customers and would ultimately help the company retain its customers. The sample of the study is very limited to generalize the result as it focuses only on the Nigerian Manufacturing companies quoted on the Nigerian exchange as at December 2013 rather than all the marketing companies in Nigeria. Thus, the findings of the study are considered applicable to the Nigerian manufacturing sub-sector