Eye movement
Ocular deviation and reflex movements of the eyes in response to head
movement can be used to assess damage to the pons (a part of the
brainstem that communicates between brain and spinal cord and also
controls many autonomic functions), although these are also affected by
cortical damage. If the head is moved, reflex responses cause the eyes
to move in the opposite direction. In a conscious person, these reflexes
are suppressed. Presence of the reflex indicates cortical damage, but
complete absence in a comatose patient is due to pons damage.9
Absence of the corneal reflex (bilateral blinking in response to gentle
stimulation of the cornea) also indicates pons damage. This reflex may
be absent when CNS depressant drugs such as opioids, benzodiazepines,
barbiturates and anaesthetics have been administered.
Eye movementOcular deviation and reflex movements of the eyes in response to headmovement can be used to assess damage to the pons (a part of thebrainstem that communicates between brain and spinal cord and alsocontrols many autonomic functions), although these are also affected bycortical damage. If the head is moved, reflex responses cause the eyesto move in the opposite direction. In a conscious person, these reflexesare suppressed. Presence of the reflex indicates cortical damage, butcomplete absence in a comatose patient is due to pons damage.9Absence of the corneal reflex (bilateral blinking in response to gentlestimulation of the cornea) also indicates pons damage. This reflex maybe absent when CNS depressant drugs such as opioids, benzodiazepines,barbiturates and anaesthetics have been administered.
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