We are moving deeper into the Lion's Gate Star Portal. This is an extremely powerful spiritually-activating timeframe. It is very common to experience strong ascension symptoms during this period, such as altered sleep patterns, dizziness, nausea, headaches, intense dreams, psychic visions, and so on.
Almost as soon as the Gateway opened (on 25 July) you will have been confronted with situations that may feel all-consuming mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically.
The Stargate activates spiritually meaningful issues for you: issues that need addressing and cannot be ignored. The energies of this Stargate are all centred around your ascension process: what is needed for you to become aligned with higher vibrational energies that connect you with your Soul Essence.
The Lion's Gate Portal can feel extraordinarily intense. Not only will you most likely be sleep-deprived or out of regular balance with your daily rhythms, you may be experiencing very heightened emotional states. There could also be physical symptoms, either connected with vibrational realignment or emotional blockages that are coming up for healing and transmutation.
Please know that the quality of Light working around you at this time is very potent. Everything that is coming up now for you has a direct relevance to your Divine Mission. It is your heart that is speaking to you, not your head. It is your Spirit that wants to be heard, not your logical mind.
Indeed, what is being presented to you in the 3D may look very different to the actual Divine Truth. It is essential to look beneath the surface of what is being shown during this Portal: all is really not what it seems.
You will be connecting with people who are vital for your ascension pathway and the furtherance of the Divine Plan for your life. You will need support during this time, so make sure that you reach out and connect with those who are in tune with you. It is important to share with one another during these days of high vibrational activation.
We await the blooming of the Blue Moon on Friday 31st (the second full moon of July). This will add even more intensity to the mix.
My words this evening are being dragged out of me as I am quite out of balance with normal routine! However, I felt a great need to connect with you all to remind you that massive ascension processes are at work.
There are very important Divine Masculine activations happening now. Many men are feeling this and I intend to offer my own interpretations shortly. Large groups of men who are destined to awaken spiritually, or go through a significant deepening of their process, are being worked on by Spirit. This will bring up everything that may be sitting in the way of sacred progress for their Souls. It may feel very unpleasant and challenging to begin with as layers of the old ego mind and emotional defences are broken down.
Be gentle and nurturing with yourselves. Link in with others who are attuned to Spirit's path. When you feel the call to meditate and bring down Light to yourself, act on that call. Always expect the unexpected during this Portal - there are forces at work that defy logic, defy reason, defy the best-laid plans.
Spirit is working in miraculous ways to bring everything together for you in perfect alignment with your Highest Good.
Even if things look like a complete mess right now, and you feel like a mess - it is the sign of deep transformations.