An orange dye was used in this study. Sample solutions of fluorescence dye were prepared by
mixing with ethanol at the concentration of 50, 60, 70 and 80 % by volume to investigate the
concentration effect. To study the temperature effect, a mixture of fluorescence dye and ethanol
solvents was kept constant at the 50 % by volume. The solutions were allowed to cure under
ambient conditions for 1 h before the measurements. The fluorescence dye solution was illuminated
with a radiation of 470 nm using a blue laser as an excitation source. Luminescence fluorescence
spectra of dye solutions were recorded using a compact fiber coupled CCD spectrometer model
BTC-110S and the temperature was increased from 25 to 55oC with a step size of 5oC by
temperature control chamber for the study of temperature effect. The experimental setup consists of
the blue laser and temperature control chamber as shown in Fig. 1. The effects of concentration and
temperature on luminescence decay of fluorescent dye can be investigated and the analysis of the
spectrum of orange dye at different concentrations and temperatures was carried out using peak fit
analysis method.