We investigated the effects of dried fairy shrimp Streptocephalus sirindhornae meal (FS) on skin pigmentation and carotenoid deposition in flowerhorn cichlid. Six experimental diets including three treatments of FS at 10% (FS10), 20% (FS20) and 30% (FS30), two dried Spirulina sp. meal (SP) at 6% (SP6) and 12% (SP12), and a control diet (a basal diet without FS or SP) were offered for 90 days. The results demonstrate an increase in the flowerhorn cichlid skin pigmentation from alternative carotenoid feeding. Fish fed the FS diet displayed higher (P _ 0.05) chroma and redness values than those fed with a SP diet. The hue value (measure for skin pigmentation) was high when fish were fed with FS20 for 30 and 60 days (P _ 0.01). However, fish also showed high hue values when fed for 90 days with FS10 (P _ 0.01). The FS20 treatment gave better results than other treatments in terms of total carotenoid, canthaxanthin, astaxanthin and
b-carotene concentration in the skin and musculature. The optimum level of FS in flowerhorn cichlid diets for achieving the highest skin pigmentationwas 20%.