A botswana-based ostrich farmer seeking Euro markets for his egg and chicks,said a good female will produce over 40 eggs a year.They can keep breeding for most of their 70-year life span and almost everythings about them is salable.Europeans might have once thought of ostrich as only exotic dancer, but that 's no longer the case.Les Folies Bergere? That's a limited markets", said Vanderroodt - Jarvis, who added that the grease - free feathers also make ideal dusters.In Texes, ostrich - hide cowboy boot go for 25,500 bath or more, while Italian laether workes are increasingly seeking ostrich hides for handbags.Ostrich eyelashes can be used for fine piantbrushes for artists, and scientists believe the birds'cornear may be used in thansplants for sightimpaired humans.