section other regulatory information
california prop.65 This production contains the following ingardients for which the sate of california has found to cause cancer birth defects or other reproductive harm, which would require a warning under the statute: Benzene california prop.65(no significant risk level): Benzene : 0.007mg/day (value) california prop.65: This product contains the following ingredients
for which the State of california has found to cause cancer which would require a warning under the statute: Benzene
connecticut carcinogen reporting list.:Benzene connecticut hazardous material survey.:Benzene lllinois toxic substances
disclosure to employee act : Benzene lllinois chemical safety act: Benzene Newyork release reporting list: banzene Rhode
Island RTK hazardous substances: Benzene pennsylvania RTK: Benzen minnesota: Benzene Michigan critical material:
Benzene massachusetts RTK: Benzene massachusattsspill list: Benzene new Jersey:Benzene New Jersey spill llist
Benzene Louisiana spill reporting : Benzene california director's list of Hazardous Substances : Benzene TSCA 8 (b) inventory Benzene SARA 313 toxic chemical notification and release reporting: Benzene CERCLA: Hazarbous substances.:Benzene 10 lbs. (4.536kg)