Except the slaughter who kill livestock for consumption, the more all kinds of fauna are slaughtered by the hand of humans, the more extinct those animals become. Hunting and killing especially vulnerable species of animals no matter what for pleasure or for consumption would be responsible for making the number of those reduces more or less, leading to their extinction gradually. In case of most fashionable products or fetish that are popularly made from the rare or wild animals’ organs, such as ivory or crocodiles’ s skin, a number of these types of animal are usually few and far between. If those are more hunted or killed just for the skin or furs brought to make some items or talisman, it will be less likely to see these rare animals in the future. Another example is that, the number of crocodiles in Australia had been alarmingly shrinking mainly owing to uncontrollably hunting for pleasure by people in the past. Thus, Australian government has proclaimed the prohibition for hunting seawater crocodiles since 1970 (International Crocodile Rescue, 2015).What’s more, for more approachable case, there are still some vulnerable species of marine life dwelling in many main Rivers of Thailand, such as Redtail Shark, ClariasBatrachus, or ProbarbusJullieni (Chm Thai, 2015). These rare fish are easily got caught by any of us who go fishing in those rivers. If we cannot abstain from fishing that is equivalent to killing them, we will be responsible for making these kinds of fish become more extinct inadvertently.