Particle transport modeling
The plastic particles are tracked through the flow in a
Lagrangian way by modeling a sample of individual particles.
The Lagrangian modeling framework is one that
moves with the flow, and is carried out by integrating a
set of ordinary differential equations in time for each particle,
for the particles’ positions and velocities.
Mater ial propert ies
In order to reproduce the correct buoyant behaviour of
the plastic particles, the correct mass densities have to
be assigned, to both plastic and water. They are given in
Table 3.10.
The mass density for the plastic particles was chosen as
a worst-case scenario in accordance with the measured
range of densities given in Chapter 9. Since the buoyancy
forces are expected to support the catch of plastic particles
at the boom and in particular to counteract the suction
and escape of particles underneath the boom, the
worst-case scenario is a low difference in mass density
between plastic and water.
Part icle transport equat ions
Several forces affect the motion of a particle in a fluid:
viscous drag (FD), buoyancy force (FB), virtual mass (FVM),
pressure gradient forces (Fp) and the centripetal and Coriolis
forces (FR) in rotating reference frames. The equation
of motion is given by

Where mp is the particle mass, and Up is the particle velocity
variable. In this study, we consider the effect of the
drag and the buoyancy forces and neglect the others.
Computation of the drag force and buoyancy forces is
done using the typical formulas and is not explained in
this report.