Welcome to UMass, Boston! We are pleased to welcome you to the program. We have worked very hard to prepare a schedule that suits your individual needs. Your teachers are excited to meet you and help you in your journey to learn English and meet your personal and academic goals.
Please read the following information carefully before you check the schedule.
Classes begin Grammar/Writing class begins Wednesday, January 20th, Seminar begins Thursday, January 21, and Reading Class begins Monday, January 25. Additionally, if you are taking a credit class, all credit courses begin January 25.
UMB Email:
All students must use their UMass email account. Important information will often be sent to you by your teachers, academic coordinators and advisors, Andrea Macone, the Dean’s Office and other important administrative offices. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you check your UMB email DAILY and that you send emails to your teachers and other UMB staff using your UMB email.
***If you do not know your UMB email, ask one of your teachers to provide it for you.***
You have already been given UMB email: If you have not logged into your UMB account, please use this link to log in for the first time.