The results have also presented that Perum Perhutani's special
programs and policies, such as advice provision, information provision,
and agreement fulfillment, can successfully encourage
people to participate in the PHBM program at each participation
level. This finding could be considered consistent with the argument
of Adhikari (2003) that both households and Perum Perhutani's
officials should have opportunities to generate higher
benefits from the forest through close communications if they are
better informed about the potential resources that they can utilize.
Moreover, in rural areas, such as some villages in KPH Kendal, a
sense of trust has a higher value in the community, meaning that
Perum Perhutani should keep their commitment to fulfill all
Our survey data and research have confirmed the problem
raised by managers of Perum Perhutani that many people become
members only as nominal participants by signing without understanding
the program. However, our research also reveals some
possible measures to increase participation. At this point, a current
scheme for inviting people to become members may not provide
enough information about the program at the entry stage. As a
result, highly educated people are likely to be more reluctant to
participate due to a lack of information. Thus, it may be effective for
Perum Perhutani to organize some special programs for further
informational provision at the entry stage. However, recall that the
existing programs organized by Perum Perhutani are identified as
effective. Overall, the results obtained in this study suggest a positive
perspective for the community forestry program. That is, if
heterogeneous responses of participants at different stages,
particularly with respect to education levels, are carefully considered
and if further improvement of publicly organized programs
are made with respect to advisory service and information of
benefit sharing, then more people are expected to voluntarily
participate up to higher levels, which will further contribute to the
success of community forest management.