Oh god.. frown emoticon In the morning they said that it is not worthy to complain to the court and now this... frown emoticon I am so sorry that you have this kind of situation! Please try not to stress, it is not helping! But I can feel this uncomfortable feeling and I also feel so bad about this. frown emoticon
Are you personally 100% sure that you don't want to go to that Lempäälä family? We will not get mad at you at all if you want to complain to the court about the decision. But we will definitely take you here very heartily. Of course I hope you are willing to come to our family but I definitely not get mad at you if you want to try to change the decision.
I don't think they can blacklist you there. And I personally think that they will not change the decision in the court, because there were black and white that your job there wouldn't be light homework because they have so many kids and both parents are working. We are not searching anybody else, so we will wait this thing over. And we don't have hurry so we can wait.