River water, a natural resource forms the lifeline of all living organisms. Water pollution, which is a major environmental concern of India, is the introduction of contaminating pollutants into the natural water leading to an adverse change. There are numerous data and statistics that claim that the earth s water resources are being depleted, polluted and rendered un-potable at an alarming rate. By the year 2025, two third of the world s population will be facing water shortage. According to UN surveyed reports, India is expected to face critical levels of water stress by 2025 and there will be serious water shortages (UN Climate Report, 2014). Disappearing and drying up of water bodies has resulted in the lack of availability of surface water. Yamuna, the life line of Delhi is the most- polluted river in the country. The current state of the river is of serious concern, and in order to address the pollution crieffectively, it is important to first understand the causes of pollution.