Request form create/ change/ delete profit center Requestor fills in request form for the creation, alteration and deletion of profit center master data and submits the completed form, with authorized approval to the responsible person for further actions to be taken on master data maintenance. To create new profit center go to step 1, change go to step 2 and delete go to step 3.
1. Create Profit Center Create profit center master data following the standard naming convention. After profit center master data is created successfully, check if profit center is to be maintained in profit center group. If yes go to step 5, process “32-02 Profit Center Group Maintenance” or else inform the requestor and/or relevant persons the new profit center that available to be used. Profit Center Maintaining KE51/KE53
2. Change Profit Center Change master data of profit center following the specified details. Changes are allowed for:
• Name and description of profit center
• Name of responsible person
• Validity period (but must cover the already existing posting dates).
After profit center master data is changed successfully, check if profit center has to be maintained in profit center group. If yes go to step 5, process “32-02 Profit Center Group Maintenance” or else inform the requestor and/or relevant persons for the completeness of profit center maintenance. Profit Center Maintaining KE52/KE53
3. Delete Profit Center In case profit center is free from any business transactions, delete profit center master data to fulfill the request. After profit center is deleted, inform the requestor and/or relevant persons for the progress or the completeness of the process.
Note: The system will prohibit the deletion process if profit center is associated with other dependent record such that it is used in profit center group, report, etc. Therefore, the dependent record must be removed before preceding the deletion process. Profit Center Maintaining KE54/KE53
4. Change Validity Period In case the transaction has already been posted or recorded to the target profit center, change validity period to restrict the future validity period or activate the lock indicator of profit center etc. to control any kind of transaction associated with it. Profit Center Maintaining KE52/KE53
5. 32-02
Profit Center Group Maintenance Profit Center Master Data Maintenance triggers the process of “32-02 Profit Center Group Maintenance”. The assigning of profit center to profit center group, create/change or delete profit center group can be accomplished at this step.
Inform Relevant Person Inform the requestor and/or relevant persons for the fulfillment of the request or any changes that take place.
Relevant documents must be kept for auditing purpose.