One day in the forest, Lion caught little Hare.
"I am too small and skinny for you to eat. Let me go and I will help you catch a bigger animal" said Hare. Lion agreed, and together they went hunting. Lion caught a large bull, but Hare caught only a scrawny old donkey.
"Oh dear, lion. That's bad luck. Your bull is so thin and unhealthy"
"The bull looks alright to me" Lion said.
"Well, everyone knows that if it's a good bull,you'll see a cloud of dust rise from it when you hit it," said Hare.
Lion had never heard of that, but as he didn't want to appear dumb, he agreed and hit the bull. Of course, there was no dust.
"See?" said Hare, "No good" Then he hit the donkey, and a huge cloud of dust rose into the air. So Lion demanded that he have the donkey and that Hare have the bull.
Later, Hare found some feathers and decided to pretend they were knives. "Look, Lion. I have eight light knives and you have only one. If you lose your knife, you'll be defenseless." So lion insisted that tey swap, and he took the eight feathers, thinking they were knives.
Later, when they came to Lion's cave, Ha
re said, "Oh dear, Lion. Your house has only one door. If a hunter find you, you can't escape. Mine has many doors, so I can escape easily." So Lion insisted that they swap house.
Then Lion took the donkey into Hare's small house. It was very cramped and uncomfortable, and when he tried to cut the donkey, the donkey laughed because the feathers tickled him, and ran away. Meanwhile, Hare took the big bull and made a delicious stew in his spacious, warm cave. And to this day, whenever Donkey remembers how lion tickled him with the feathers, he still laughs and laughs.