philip lived at :he lighthouse because he wanted to live alone. Every two weeks he went to the village of Chelmbury for the food and other things that he needed. When the villagers first saw the strange shape of his body and his dark, of him face, they were a little They that strange painter-man from the lighthouse. But slowly, as time p d, they to accept his strange ways. Philip was a hunchback. His left arm was weak and thin and twisted, and his left hand looked like a bird's foot. He was twenty-seven when he came to the lighthouse on the Great Marsh. He lived in many places before he came there. He always tried hard to make friends with the people that he met. But other people did not want to be friends with Philip. His twisted body made them uncomfortable. Women turned their eyes away when they saw him. So they never learned that he was a gentle man and a lover of all living things. Philip did not hate these people. His heart was too full of love: he could only feel sadness for them.