3.3. Sensory characterisation of the muffins
In preliminary flash profiling, the panel members generated 5e12 individual attributes (median: 7.5) for their individual use. Most descriptors were related to appearance (e.g., crumb or crust colour intensity, yellowness, pore size distribution, or cracks and slits in the crust) and texture (e.g., firmness, stickiness, crumbliness). Less than one third (21 of 78) of the individual attributes were related to smell and taste (e.g., sweet, buttery). The number of descriptors per assessor, and the total of 45 different descriptors indicates that the subjects had no problems in evaluating the products as, for example, has been observed in case of dark chocolate (Thamke, Dürrschmied, & Rohm, 2009).