Live coloration. Holotype mostly dark greyish brown on
head and body, with prominent mottled patchwork of
yellowish cream on body. Dorsal fin with splotches of dark
greyish brown on mainly yellowish cream background, with
darker areas mainly centred on elevated portions of fin, and
pale areas containing some fine dark flecking. Anal fin not
mottled, darker brown than remainder of body, tips of rays
paler than remainder of fin. Pelvic fins light brown, with
membranes slightly darker than rays. Pectoral fins mostly
light brown, but with broad dusky marginal band, and
narrow pale edge, including tips of individual rays. Caudal
fin with similar pattern to dorsal, but with distal half of fin
containing all the mottling and basal half uniformly pale.
One paratype (18 mm juvenile) uniformly dusky, except
for individual small pale blotches at anus, inner and outer
pectoral bases, and pectoral and caudal fins. Another
paratype (24 mm juvenile) similarly dusky, caudal fin with
two pale blotches at its margin, but with only four very
small, more inconspicuous individual white spots situated
dorsally on inner pectoral fin bases, just above centre of
lateral line on right side, and on anus.