There comes a time when we must move beyond eating something just because it isn't an animal product. That is when we look at real nutrition which is found in fresh fruits & vegetables. Tofu may be a stepping stone for some to become Vegan, great.......but your health must be a concern at some point. My 45 years vegan & 40 yrs Naturopath has uncovered this truth. Step beyond eating simply for taste or the teachings of uninformed protein crazed nutritionists who were taught the facts according to the meat, dairy, and other special interest groups or industry. Tofu lovers can be quite recalcitrant in their view of the many uses, history & goodness of tofu. To the death for some. Do the research....don't be spoon fed by the soy industry into believing what is healthful. Protein, protein protein......where have I found my protein all these years? Are you guessing some dead tofu food product in the form or shape of animal meat? Of course not. Live food gives life. Soy products will hurt you. Sure you may think you need tofu to make your deserts, fake eggs & meat or whatever. Being casual with Soy is like justifying that bottle of booze. Sometimes it is what we do that matters. Sometimes it's what we avoid. Be smart Vegans.....healthy Vegans....When it comes from an ethical place, combined with true nutrition close to nature, you will choose the life-long path of a healthy Vegan. Have I pissed you off yet? Yes you.. Soy freaks... you will eventually find your way. I applaud you for not eating animals. Now take care of your fragile health.