3.1 Information Types and Their Characteristics
Information type Characteristics
1. Static Info Static information does not change with time. They are typically information used to identify an object and those relatively time-invariant characteristics of an object, such as a river name, river length, basin size, etc.
2. Dynamic Info Dynamic information varies with time, e.g. river flow data, rainfall data. Water quality data, etc.
3. Raw data Raw data are information recorded by a measuring equipment or derive from a survey.
4.Processed Info Processed information is information that meets a defined need and is processed from raw data.
5.Report-tyte Info Report-type information is a combination of text, figures and tables, organized within a set of narrative text.
6.Spatial-type Info Spatial-type information is information stored in the form of maps and is geo-referenced to a map.
Table 8.1 below gives a list of the basic information types and their characteristics.
Table 8.1 information types and their characteristics.