Dear Directors/Administrators of TC Members,
According to the decision made at the 48th Typhoon Committee (TC) Session held at Honolulu
in February earlier this year, the working document no. 10 “Long-term Appointment
Mechanism for TC Secretary” (Annex I) as presented at the 48th Session is re-circulated
herewith for your consideration. Your comments or input, including “nil” return if applicable,
on or before 31 July are much appreciated.
What happened previously?
For the background information behind this consultation process, I would like to refer you to
the previous TCS letter (TCS/266-2015) sent on the subject on 13 October 2015.
Unfortunately, after discussion at the 48th Session, a consensus on Point 2 of the working
document no. 10 still cannot be reached. Your attention is drawn in particular to the
sentence relevant to the unresolved issue as extracted below for reference:
“As TC is an inter-governmental organization, written support or clearance should also be
provided where the eligibility of the candidate requires the endorsement or agreement of
another Member or other governmental administrations within or outside TC.”
Any relevant TC Statutes or Rules of Procedures to consider?
The basis of the stipulation that official governmental “support” or “clearance”, if required,
should be provided stems from Rule No.8 in the TC Statute (Annex II). Notwithstanding this,
the way the sentence is currently structured, provision is also given to allow for the
possibility that such governmental “support” or “clearance” may not be applicable in some
circumstances and hence need not be provided if the situation warrants (see examples of
interpretation in Annex III).
Our reference TCS/053-2016 – 22 June 2016
To: Directors and Focal Points of NMHSs of TC Members
Subject: Long-term Appointment Mechanism for TC Secretary
What is the specific input needed from Members?
The mechanism as proposed by AWG in working document No. 10 seeks to clarify and avoid a
repeat of the controversial circumstances surrounding the appointment of TC Secretary at
the 47th Session. Your views and support, in particular with respect to Point 2 as
highlighted above, are hereby sought. Your input will then be collated for discussion and
decision at the 49th Session to be held in Japan tentatively in February 2017.
In the spirit of collaboration and consensus, it is hoped that a mutually acceptable and
satisfactory resolution of this matter can be reached. Thank you for your attention and