(Shinskey, 1990, p.114). Besides, “when these safety devices aretriggered, the resulting shutdown, loss of product, and down-time are all very costly to plant operation” (Shinskey, 1990,p.114).Inclusion of both epand IAE in the PID controller assess-ment requires a detailed analysis of the shape of the load stepresponse. From practical viewpoint such analysis cannot beperformed by applying to the real plant the evaluated con-troller and controllers proposed for improving performance.This holds true especially if different orders of the noisefilter F(s) should be used in optimization and analyzed tosatisfy some desired performance/robustness tradeoff withacceptable control signal activity. It is necessary to performclosed-loop analysis of the evaluated controller and con-trollers proposed for improving performance by applying amodel instead the plant. However such an analysis is relevantonly if results obtained by using the model are confirmable onthe plant.The “loop prioritization and ranking” (Jelali, 2013) is notused here to determine which loop should be evaluated. Itis supposed that this information is a priory known and