This book is written for studying of students who has been
learning in the first year of University [MCU] that they learn the first
course about English after they finished high school and continuous to
University. They will begin English, called “ Basic English ” that it is
studying about Articles, Sentences, Tenses, Prepositions,
Conjunctions and reading the stories of English to develop the skills as
speaking, reading, writing and listening to well. Therefore, English is
very importance for Thai people but students are in school or
university must be learning more things of this subject.
So “Advanced English” is subject that it continuous from
“ Basic English ” that it comment reading and comprehension about
articles of English that it relates with document for studying that it
will help to improve for the students to communicate English and it
is Introduction, Review items on Basic English and reading the
short stories or things that they is important things for studying
English of students who is developing various things that there are
many parts of English that they will study in graduated into the first
year of all the faculties such as the faculty of Buddhism, the faculty
of Humanities, the faculty of Education and the faculty of Political
science in Mahachulalongkornrajavidayalaya University, Beside of
this students are in Nakornratchasima Campus.
Thank very much.