Trade logistics refers to a cluster of related service activities that bring exporters in
one country into contact with consumers (importers) in another. It is an important value
chain in its own right, but also makes it possible for value chains to arise in other areas,
such as electronic goods, and even agrifood sectors (Shepherd, 2013). Internationalized
business models, such as the consumer electronics value chains for which the AsiaPacific
has been widely recognized internationally, are simply not commercially viable
without efficient trade logistics to support them. Like any sector, however, trade
logistics is dependent on a number of inter-related factors for its smooth functioning:
infrastructure, government services (e.g. border clearance), and service sector
regulatory policies are particularly important. There is much that policy makers can
do in these three areas to promote development of the sector and improve performance.
Trade logistics refers to a cluster of related service activities that bring exporters inone country into contact with consumers (importers) in another. It is an important valuechain in its own right, but also makes it possible for value chains to arise in other areas,such as electronic goods, and even agrifood sectors (Shepherd, 2013). Internationalizedbusiness models, such as the consumer electronics value chains for which the AsiaPacifichas been widely recognized internationally, are simply not commercially viablewithout efficient trade logistics to support them. Like any sector, however, tradelogistics is dependent on a number of inter-related factors for its smooth functioning:infrastructure, government services (e.g. border clearance), and service sectorregulatory policies are particularly important. There is much that policy makers cando in these three areas to promote development of the sector and improve performance.
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