Marketing Mix Implementation:
The Royal Caribbean Cruise Line is in a crowded market segment that would benefit greatly
from a new marketing mix. An increase in awareness is needed to capture new cruise goers and
also keep current cruise goers coming back for more. Not only does the Royal Caribbean need to
increase awareness throughout North America, they also need to create attention in the European
market solely to increase their customer base. We want our message to portray that choosing
Royal Caribbean for your exotic getaway will encompass all of your desires to complete a
vacation of your dreams. The advertisements should illustrate an atmosphere of leisure and
relaxation combined with entertainment, food, and activities for all ages. We recommend using
a mix of traditional and non-traditional media to reach the target audience. We will implement
advertising through television, magazines, direct mail and social media.
Television advertising is crucial for the Royal Caribbean because they will benefit greatly by the
impact of sight, sound and movement. It can also illustrate a picture perfect scene that allows the
viewer to visualize them self on the vacation. Television offers the ability to utilize both flighting
and pulsing techniques. According to the 2008 MRI Consumer Research, to reach our target
audience it would be beneficial to insert advertisements into the following channels; Travel
Channel, BBC, Bravo, CNBC, and Discovery.
Magazine advertising is also vital for the Royal Caribbean advertisements. Magazines have
excellent color reproduction to portray the vibrant scenic views each cruise offers. It allows an
opportunity for longer reader exposure to the ad message. Magazines also have a long shelf life
with the opportunity for repeat exposure. Magazine advertisements continue the communication
value that is relative to television advertisements. According to the 2008 MRI Consumer
Research, some recommended magazines for advertising placement that are frequently read by
cruise goers are Better Homes & Gardens, Bon Appetit, Conde Nast Traveler, and The New
Direct mail pieces are also important because it is inexpensive and builds a high frequency. It
has a high degree of geographic, demographic, and buying behavior selectivity. Direct mail
gives the ability to build frequency through multiple mailings that can be a variety of sizes,
shapes, and forms. Direct mail pieces can be beneficial to customers as promotion pieces that
include coupons, discounts, and valued packages.
Social media offers an alternate source for people to obtain information about the Royal
Caribbean Cruise Line. It also provides a space to create buzz and to let people share feedback
and stories about personal experiences.