I do love my home, Asean. I’ve heard about Asean sustainable energy and renewable energy which is mean any energysource that is naturally replenished, like that derived from solar, wind, geothermal or hydroelectric action. Energyproduced from the refining of biomass is also often classified as renewable. Coal, oil or natural gas, on the other hand, arefinite sources.And Thailand is rapidly becoming the center of mega-solar power operations in the region. Currently about 70% of theelectricity produced in Thailand relies on gas power generation. And there’s more interesting news are;Thailand is promoting Renewable Energy as a national agenda supported by a Master Plan called "Alternative EnergyDevelopment Plan (2012-2021)." The goal is to increase the share of renewable energy to 25% of the country's energydemand by the year 2021.In Laos the government is embarked on developing Biomass, Biofuel and Wind Energy with thegoal of achieving 30 percent of national energy consumption from renewable sources by 2025.The Philippines has developed the Philippines Energy Plan 2007-2014 which emphasizes self-sufficiency for energyindependence.The Malaysian Government has backed the launch of the Small Renewable Energy Power Program (SREP) which isamong steps being taken by the government to encourage the use of RE for clean power generation. The VietnameseGovernment has the target of increasing the use of renewable energy from 5% in 2020, to 11% by 2050. They also plan toincrease the share of electricity generated from renewable resources such as wind and biomass from 4.5% by 2020 andto 6% by 2030.The Indonesian government has now set a target to increase the share of renewable energy in its total energy mix to 19%by 2019.It’s very great plan to save this earth and if the plan works out it would be more benefit to Asean and the earth.