Section 2 Raw Material Sourcing
Q2.1 Are all raw material suppliers approved, please attach a list
Q2.1.1 Did you audit all your raw material Suppliers
Q2.1.2 Do you audit your suppliers minimum every 3 years
Q2.1.3 Does this list include Argricultural Materials as well
Q2.1.4 "Do you audit if your agricultural suppliers have procedures to assure the farmer
complies to good agronomic practices"
Q2.1.5 Do you know the origin for each agricultural Material
Q2.1.6 Did you verify the farm location is audited by experts
Q2.2 Are all Incoming Raw Materials specified
Q2.2.1 Are these specification dated and signed by your supplier and by you
Q2.2.2 Do the specification contain requirements that are related to Foreign Material contamination
Q2.2.3 Do you verify the cultivation areas and fields are assessed and selected properly to minimize risk for foreign bodies
Q2.2.4 Do you sub divide Foreign Materials into categories
Q2.2.5 Is there a risk assessment done of Foreign Material contamination on the field.
Q2.2.6 If yes, please attach an example
Q2.2.7 Can you send 5 signed specifications
Q2.3 Is there a procedure in place to verify good agricultural practices at the farms
Q2.3.1 Do you have an Agronomist / Agronomy Department within the company
Q2.3.2 Is the Agronomy Department involved in the auditing of your supplier's farms
Q2.3.3 Are corrective action documented following these audits
Q2.3.4 Do you have a Supplier Rating system
Q2.3.5 Is foreign material contamination part of the rating system
Q2.4 Do you have a Good Agricultural Practice document you use to select and/or develop farmers
Q2.4.1 Do you verify if the farmer have best practices in place to prevent Foreign Bodies
Q2.4.2 Does this GAP contain measurements to prevent foreign material contamination
If yes, can you share
Q2.4.3 Is the implementation of your GAP part of the contract and/or specifications
Q2.5 Do you verify a (pre)-harvest control is performed at your farmer/ suppliers
Q2.5.1 Do you verify a release of the delivery of agricultural materials is done before Harvest according to spec
Q2.5.2 Do you verify a release of the delivery of agricultural materials is done during Harvest according to spec
Q2.5.3 Do you document irregularities against the agreed GAP and or specifications
Q2.6 Do you know the transportation arrangement between the farms and your supplier's factory
Q2.6.1 Are there clear SOP in place that define standards for carry protection, truck cleaning and adequate packaging/container
Q2.6.2 Is there a risk assessment done on the transportation of agricultural materials with regard to foreign material contamination
Q2.6.3 Do you audit or have access to the audit reports of the transportation party used by your suppliers