Fresh fruit banana (Musa spp., AAA group, cv. ‘Brazil’) were
harvested at 70–80% maturity from a commercial orchard in
Guangzhou. Fruit were immediately sent back to laboratory, and
dipped in water to clean the surfaces. They were then air-dried
till the solution dropping from the fruit surface disappeared completely.
The fruit were selected carefully by visual defects and
uniformity of weight or shape. Bananas were then soaked into each
treatment for 10 min. The treatments were: A, control, water only;
B, 8 mM oxalic acid; C, 20 mM oxalic acid. After treatments, they
were air-dried, packed into plastic polyethylene bags (0.03 mm),
and stored at about 23
2 ◦C and 75–90% relative humidity (RH).
Eight fingers from each treatment were randomly taken out for
measurement of hue value, chlorophyll fluorescence and browning
index. The peel tissue from another eight fingers were sliced,
mixed, frozen in liquid N2 and stored at
−20 ◦C prior to enzyme and
total phenol analysis.
Fresh fruit banana (Musa spp., AAA group, cv. ‘Brazil’) wereharvested at 70–80% maturity from a commercial orchard inGuangzhou. Fruit were immediately sent back to laboratory, anddipped in water to clean the surfaces. They were then air-driedtill the solution dropping from the fruit surface disappeared completely.The fruit were selected carefully by visual defects anduniformity of weight or shape. Bananas were then soaked into eachtreatment for 10 min. The treatments were: A, control, water only;B, 8 mM oxalic acid; C, 20 mM oxalic acid. After treatments, theywere air-dried, packed into plastic polyethylene bags (0.03 mm),and stored at about 23±2 ◦C and 75–90% relative humidity (RH).Eight fingers from each treatment were randomly taken out formeasurement of hue value, chlorophyll fluorescence and browningindex. The peel tissue from another eight fingers were sliced,mixed, frozen in liquid N2 and stored at−20 ◦C prior to enzyme andtotal phenol analysis.
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