In this paper, the distributed beamforming design for
decode-and-forward MIMO FDR networks with the presence
of IRI, SI and MUI is studied, with some benefits from
existing time-domain SI cancellation. When the relays are
deployed for coverage enhancement, the rate demand of each
user should be maintained. Furthermore, the total transmit
power at the BS and relays is a proper metric of the overall
system performance [25] [26], since reduced transmit power
means not only reduced operational cost, but also lower
inter-cell interference. Therefore an optimization problem for
minimizing the transmit power at both the relays and the BS
is formulated under individual user rate constraints. Inspired
by [27] [28], a single-layer iterative proximal-decomposition
(SLIPD) method is proposed for solving non-strict convex
In this paper, the distributed beamforming design fordecode-and-forward MIMO FDR networks with the presenceof IRI, SI and MUI is studied, with some benefits fromexisting time-domain SI cancellation. When the relays aredeployed for coverage enhancement, the rate demand of eachuser should be maintained. Furthermore, the total transmitpower at the BS and relays is a proper metric of the overallsystem performance [25] [26], since reduced transmit powermeans not only reduced operational cost, but also lowerinter-cell interference. Therefore an optimization problem forminimizing the transmit power at both the relays and the BSis formulated under individual user rate constraints. Inspiredby [27] [28], a single-layer iterative proximal-decomposition(SLIPD) method is proposed for solving non-strict convex
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