13. Report
13.1 Report the temperature read or indicated at the beginning of the last filtration to the nearest 1°C (see 12.1.12,
12.1.16, and 12.2.5) as the CFPP.
13.2 If the specimen has reached −51°C without plugging
(see 12.1.15 and 12.2.5) report as “Not plugged at −51°C.”
13.3 The report shall contain at least the following information:
13.3.1 The type and identification of the product under test;
13.3.2 A reference to this test method;
13.3.3 The sampling procedure used (see Section 8);
13.3.4 The result of the test (13.1 or 13.2);
13.3.5 Any deviation from the procedure described (see
Note 8 and Note 10); and
13.3.6 the date of the test