To provide a systematic basis for content coding each article, we developed a taxonomy that included 15 broad categories, which subsume 50 more specific ones. The final version of the taxonomy, which was used to code all the articles, is contained in the Ap pendix. Wayne F. Cascio developed the taxonomy in an iterative fashion. He began by identifying key themes, as reflected in INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL psychology textbooks that described the field. He then pilot tested several early versions of the taxonomy by content coding 4 years of journal articles published in JAP and PPsych, two early years (1965 and 1969) and two later years (1988 and 1991). The pilot test revealed the need for a more refined classification scheme to cover the broad range of topics that appeared in these two journals. The addition of the full range of 50 subcategories shown in the Appendix resulted in a contentcoding scheme that provided com pletecoverage of all articles in the 4 years that comprised the pilot test. The taxonomy then was applied to all other years of published articles.