Chapter 6
Joseph witnesses a man being beheaded by a guillotine. He recklessly chases the enemy saying ,"There is only two of them, we can take them." After running into a trap Joseph is knocked unconscious as two Haunted drag him to the guillotine. Sebastian saves him by sniping the two Haunted. After saving Joseph, you will reunite with him. He steals Sebastian's gun and puts it to his head saying that it would happen eventually. Sebastian knocks over Joseph and takes the gun. Later Joseph helps Sebastian as they attempt to reach Kidman and Leslie. Joseph takes a Sniper Rifle and covers Sebastian as you follow a haunted through a maze like area. Soon the Haunted Releases a Guardian, Zehn. Zehn is then followed by a his brother Neun. Sebastian must fight them on the ground as Joseph snipes them. After the battle with the Guardians, Joseph meets up with Sebastian near two statues of horses. After addressing his book he flips one of the horse's hooves down revealing a secret tunnel. Joseph is later seen in the hole after Sebastian is sent to the asylum where he can upgrade his abilities. After a while Sebastian and Joseph run into the Church guard dog, The Sentinel. The animal is asleep and Joseph and Sebastian quietly sneak past it. After exiting the building, the dog awakes and burst through the wall. Sebastian and Joseph run, but the dog leaps knocking him and his glasses to the ground and leaving him unconscious. After the dog is hurt enough Sebastian picks up Joseph and pushes him through the gate, where Joseph says that he lost his glasses. Sebastian then grabs the glasses, as Joseph attempts to act as a distraction. Once he has his glasses, Joseph explains that it isn't so much about seeing as it is feeling normal. After entering the Church, Joseph begins coughing and sits to take a break. Leslie is heard yelling underneath an altar and Sebastian talks to Joseph. Joseph talks about how he is scared because for some reason he wants to change. Sebastian then stabs the syringe, used to heal himself, into the back of Joseph's head, which leaves him unconscious. Ruvik is then seen on a chandelier. He then begins to levitate Sebastian and the furniture around him. Sebastian is then teleported to the area in which The Keeper is kept.
บทที่ 6Joseph witnesses a man being beheaded by a guillotine. He recklessly chases the enemy saying ,"There is only two of them, we can take them." After running into a trap Joseph is knocked unconscious as two Haunted drag him to the guillotine. Sebastian saves him by sniping the two Haunted. After saving Joseph, you will reunite with him. He steals Sebastian's gun and puts it to his head saying that it would happen eventually. Sebastian knocks over Joseph and takes the gun. Later Joseph helps Sebastian as they attempt to reach Kidman and Leslie. Joseph takes a Sniper Rifle and covers Sebastian as you follow a haunted through a maze like area. Soon the Haunted Releases a Guardian, Zehn. Zehn is then followed by a his brother Neun. Sebastian must fight them on the ground as Joseph snipes them. After the battle with the Guardians, Joseph meets up with Sebastian near two statues of horses. After addressing his book he flips one of the horse's hooves down revealing a secret tunnel. Joseph is later seen in the hole after Sebastian is sent to the asylum where he can upgrade his abilities. After a while Sebastian and Joseph run into the Church guard dog, The Sentinel. The animal is asleep and Joseph and Sebastian quietly sneak past it. After exiting the building, the dog awakes and burst through the wall. Sebastian and Joseph run, but the dog leaps knocking him and his glasses to the ground and leaving him unconscious. After the dog is hurt enough Sebastian picks up Joseph and pushes him through the gate, where Joseph says that he lost his glasses. Sebastian then grabs the glasses, as Joseph attempts to act as a distraction. Once he has his glasses, Joseph explains that it isn't so much about seeing as it is feeling normal. After entering the Church, Joseph begins coughing and sits to take a break. Leslie is heard yelling underneath an altar and Sebastian talks to Joseph. Joseph talks about how he is scared because for some reason he wants to change. Sebastian then stabs the syringe, used to heal himself, into the back of Joseph's head, which leaves him unconscious. Ruvik is then seen on a chandelier. He then begins to levitate Sebastian and the furniture around him. Sebastian is then teleported to the area in which The Keeper is kept.
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