I just have one question to ask you that why this case only need to take action by only JTC, Shipper is KSBP and now KSBP still be own these items because JTC rejected to Dear Shimizu-san, Sogahara-san,
Sorry for long e-mail & bothering you but please kindly follow up this matter at your end.
Until now we tried to help JTC members to proceed this issue but it can be difficult to close this case without your help.
Regarding the wet container, JTC is now still negotiating with insurance company and hasn’t closed this case.
[Request from JTC]
Insurance company already confirmed 21 pallets were wet.
Remaining 38 pallets, JTC Logistics dept. & QA discussed with surveyor that they will issue quotation for the cost
When JTC ship back and ask JPN to check the quality.
About the quotation, JTC asked KSBP to check and make quotation.
[Idea & Result of confirmation at KSBP]
We don’t believe Japan side will accept Genpo to ship back & ask quality check.
We know JTC members also have same idea but decided to issue quotation to proceed claiming insurance.
We are afraid in case issuing quotation, surveyor will understand JTEKT Japan can accept quality check.
And also it’s unclear how much the cost is then they can accept claiming insurance.
So then we confirmed as below.
1) Confirmed with Insurance company = Tokio Marine Singapore how to proceed this issue.
Result : Once the surveyor can receive the letter which were written by Japan side & proves that claiming bearings cannot be used by technical reason,
then we can close this case.
For example, the bearings already wet or in the same container with wet bearings so there will be possibility other items were affected.
And adding some technical report, that kind of letter.
2) Confirmed with Japan/IND if they can ask related dept. to make such kind of document.
Result : JTC have QA dept. so they should solve the problem at their side.
Even if IND ask some related dept in Japan, all of them will also reply same as them.
[Request from KSBP]
Please kindly discuss internally within JTC how to proceed this case again.
If you can accept our suggestion that issuing the letter which proves the bearings cannot be used by technical reason,
Then please make it at JTC.
Or JTC need to ask Japan side something request then please follow up your staff in JTC to proceed it.
Thank you for your cooperation & kind understanding in advance.
Best regards.
Dear Bass-san,
If there are any misunderstanding in my above e-mail, please let me & your boss know.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Best regards.