information from people.
a. If a person does not return the speaker's gaze, she may be refusing to participate in the conversation.
The researcher studied a police officer's interaction with a person he was helping.
b. The woman was able to listen and follow the officer's instructions to calm down.
If a person doesn't hold a gaze, this might tell something about the person's role in the conversation.
c. Sometimes police officers need information from dangerous or dishonest people.
Police officers should try different ways to interact effectively with people they are helping.
d. Kidwell analyzed a 55-second video from COPS in which a police officer used gaze to calm a hysterical woman.
A situation will improve when a person holds an officer's gaze.
e. The police officer talked to the woman, moved his head in line with her eyes, and turned her face toward him to try to get her to gaze at him.