Hello everybody.
WhatsApp is goingmoney soon. The only way that it will stay free is if you are a frequent user i.e. you have at least 18 people you are chatting with. To become a frequent user send this message to 18 people who receive it (2 ticks) and your WhatsApp logo should turn Red to indicate a frequent user. The code : d3 k5 66 55 78 df kp gh td nj 6h b6v3 b5. اسف ع بث
As we are close to all JAT Elway participants at 12 m.So note to all who want to continue the program to send this message to all participants close them in the program before the time set for the close program so you Dear JAT Elway shared the Elway GAT inform persons Irshad warnings are real, and the cost of summer begins JAT Elway 2015 if you send the series to 18 different names on your list, you will have a Code Pink instead of green and it will carry your service has been renewed. You should make sure to send it to 20 people from your list..This message contains an activation code (code)..You must do this step otherwise it will finish your products front wheels, this message is to inform all of our users. Ask our users to active service by sending this message to 18 from their contact list to ensure activation of Eloy GAT or GAT Elway get unusable and your account will remain inactive with the loss of all the contactsMessage this information documented jamy blsmk (CEO of alue JAT) is requiring all users to send a message to their contact list. If you ignore this message, will be considered invalid and your account will be deleted within the next 48 hours. Please dont ignore this message.The code : d3 k5 6 55 78 df kp gh td nj 6h b6 v3 b5 0y. _Hello everybody. WhatsApp is goingmoney soon. The only way that it will stay free is if you are a frequent user i.e. you have at least 18 people you are chatting with. To become a frequent user send this message to 18 people who receive it (2 ticks) and your WhatsApp logo should turn Red to indicate a frequent user. The code : d3 k5 66 55 78 df kp gh td nj 6h b6v3 b5. Sorry p transmission