A cohort of all HIV infected women who delivered at Grady
MemorialHospital (GMH) over a span of 10.5 yearswas identified.
GMH is an inner city hospital which provides care for
indigent patients throughout the metropolitan Atlanta area,
the majority of which are minorities. HIV infected women
were followed during pregnancy in a HIV specific obstetrical
clinic run by the maternal fetal medicine fellows under the
direction of the same fellowship director during the entire
study period. Treatment protocol for HIV was in accordance
with the most up to date National Institute of Health (NIH)
recommendations at the time. Every effort is made for STIs
treatment immediately upon diagnosis. This study received
approval from the Institutional Review Board, at Emory University
and the GradyMemorialHospital Research Oversight
Committee (IRB study # 00064558).Themedical and delivery
records of allHIVpositivewomenwith singleton pregnancies
delivered at GMH from January 1, 2003, through May 31,
2013, were reviewed. Pregnancies ending in a spontaneous or
therapeutic abortion at