• The pawn: The most basic piece in the. On its initial move, it can move forward one or two spaces.
• The rook: It looks like a castle tower. It can move horizontally and vertically as many spaces as are available. It can attack pieces in its path.
• The knight: It's represented by a horse and is the most complicated unit. It moves in an 'L' shapes .The knight is the only piece that can jump other pieces. He attacks only the pieces that are in the spaces he settles.
• The bishop: It can only move diagonally. It's shaped like a bishop's hat.
• The queen: (usually has a more feminine crown). She can move either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally by any number of spaces and attack from any of those directions.
• The king: He can only move one space each turn in any direction and attacks in the same manner.