Hello Shinya/ Feng,
This is Dr Dass from Trinidad and Tobago.
I will like to inform you that the payment for the stock, 9000 dialyzers that was made early this month was processed and sent to the Government Savings Bank, Bangkok
as requested by the sales rep from Asahi Kasei, America Feng Chen. A recall of the payment was requested via CitiBank, your intermediary bank when we realized this request by Feng
was suspicious. However, the money was already paid. A confirmation transmittal form was sent to you already.
Now, I have called your office to speak to both Feng and Shinya on two occasions over the past two days but you did not speak to me. More unprofessional was that you both did
not return a courtesy call to me even though I left my contact information with your receptionist.
Your company is a multinational one with a big reputation to upkeep.
It will be in your best interest that a quick resolution to this situation be obtained. More so and especially since we have obtained information from our American attorney and
a forensic auditor that your company is liable.
The quickest and easiest way to resolve this situation is to supply the stock to us immediately or return the full payment amount of $81,600USD to our company, RD Global Ltd right away.
If you choose not to comply with these options then we will be forced to proceed via our attorneys to obtain same.
thanks for understanding and I hope you will let good sense prevail so we don’t end up in the courts of USA.
Yours Respectfully,