for Vietnam and Vietnamese amount of Ho Chi Minh, or Uncle Ho, as they call it. The father of the liberation of the colonies. And the creation of a prosperous as it is today. In the future, Vietnam will be prosperous by following the guidelines that Uncle Ho had laid a foundation for
the image of Uncle Ho from Vietnam sculpting of it. Is a man who devoted all his life to the nation. To the Vietnam Uncle Ho forgo all the pleasures in life that a man should seek. He lives like a monk No family Without any possessions Do not cling to power and fortune any breath of Uncle Ho was in unison with the breath of the people. If anyone had a chance to visit Vietnam in order to follow Uncle Ho's to read from his hometown to the capital Hanoi to find that the Vietnamese government has shown about the life of the father of this nation. I do not really go for it His house, which he had to read it a little bamboo hut. I believe that it is good for sun, rain again. Although there are quite a lot of land area. The house is small cabin. People still feel uncomfortable I believe that This guide will describe a bamboo hut in the family 5-6