Employees at the KPC suppose that equal employee benefits makes employees happy and satisfied, is a morale booster among employees, enhances employee retention in the company, makes employees committed and enhances their sense of company ownership. The study established an insignificant association between equal employee benefits and increased efficiency as well as profitability. Conversely, the Chi-square test established that there was a significant relationship between equal employee benefits and corporate image, employee retention, cost reduction and staff morale. The respondents ranked the effects of awarding equal employee benefits highly, saying that equal employee benefits: make employees happy and satisfied; lead to a high morale among employees; enhance employee retention in the company; make employees committed, and make employees feel part and parcel of the organization.
Companies should review its benefits award structure so as to make it more competitive, equitable and transparent. There is also a need for the company to align benefits to performance so as to cater for the gifted and talented employees.